
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Get the most up-to-date data on your account with local time zone reporting

We know that access to the most up-to-date data on your account is important in understanding how it’s performing on a daily basis. Up to now, we’ve reported your daily earnings based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). Over the next couple of weeks however, you’ll be able to view your daily earnings based on your local time zone, giving you the latest information.

You can set up your time zone reporting preferences from your account in a few quick steps. From the Account information section on your Account settings page, a field now exists for time zone information where you can select your preferred local time setting. When you update your time zone preferences, you can expect to see some anomalies in your local earnings data for that day. Depending on your local time zone, you’ll either see a reduction or a spike based on whether the change means you are gaining or losing hours - keep an eye out for a notification in your account on this. It’s important to note that this does not affect your payments data which will always remain in PST.

When you update your time zone preferences, your existing saved and scheduled reports will be migrated to your preferred time zone automatically while future reports will also be based on your indicated preference. Updating your time zone preference will only affect your earnings data going forward and does not apply retrospectively.

Learn more about time zone reporting in our Help Center and make sure you’re getting the most up-to-date earnings data on your account.

We’re simplifying earnings reporting for YouTube partners

One of the most exciting things about YouTube is all the partners building businesses around doing what they love. We now have thousands of partners who are making video creation a full-time endeavor. And, we’re listening to feedback and working to improve the process of earning money on YouTube.

So, in an effort to ensure we deliver our partners the most accurate and consistent financial performance data for their videos, we are making some changes in how YouTube interacts with AdSense. Starting April 1, 2013, AdSense will no longer calculate and report AdSense for Content Host earnings for YouTube partners. Instead, AdSense earnings from YouTube videos will only be calculated by YouTube and displayed in YouTube Analytics.

What does this mean for you as a YouTube partner?
First, expect no change in how you are paid. The payments tab in AdSense will show your monthly YouTube payments as one total amount as you will continue to be paid via AdSense. Rather, this change means that if you want to view your YouTube financial performance, you should go to YouTube Analytics where you can continue to find a comprehensive view of all your sources of earnings for your YouTube videos. YouTube Analytics has improved the timeliness of earnings reporting to within 24 hours after the end of the day, Pacific Time. You can still view page views and clicks and also manage ad blocking in the AdSense interface for your YouTube videos. If you use other AdSense products, their calculation and reports will be unchanged in the AdSense reporting interface.

Have you ever wondered what the difference between AdSense earnings and YouTube earnings was? As a bit of background, many YouTube partners have ad earnings from two sources: auction-sold ads (AdSense earnings) and reserve-sold ads (YouTube earnings). YouTube serves the optimal ads when a viewer watches the video. Previously, AdSense calculated and reported the auction-sold AdSense earnings. YouTube calculated reserve-sold and miscellaneous earnings and reported both AdSense and YouTube earnings. Now, having only the YouTube system calculate all your earnings will simplify and streamline your video reporting.

We take accurate financial calculation and reporting very seriously, and believe this change will reduce reporting confusion and prepare all our partners for new ways to grow their earnings.

Boost your website performance using tips from our experts

Google Analytics can be an incredibly valuable source of information for AdSense publishers,  and today we’re announcing a new way for you to use those insights to improve your site’s performance. Google Analytics has created a data sharing setting to give you the option to let our optimization specialists proactively analyze your Analytics account data to find new ways for you to grow your business online. We’ll help you understand how people find your site, how they navigate through it, and how they become loyal users - and we’ll help you take advantage of Analytics features like Content Experiments to help you determine the most optimal layout for your site.

If you’ve linked your AdSense account with Analytics, opt in to the Account specialists data sharing setting under the Account Settings tab. Then we’ll be able to build targeted recommendations to help you improve the user experience on your site and monetize with AdSense more effectively.

Additionally, if you want to help make our other products work better for content publishers like yourself, you can opt in to the existing With other Google products setting under the same Account Settings tab. Sharing your Analytics data with other Google products can help us create new publisher solutions to achieve your website goals. For example, AdWords could recommend more effective keywords based on an understanding of how users behave on your site or AdSense could suggest more effective ad placements.

You can find full instructions for updating your Analytics settings in the Analytics Help Center.

Your website data will not be used for any purposes other than those that you specify in your settings, which you may change at any time. If you haven’t linked your AdSense account with Analytics, you can learn more about using Analytics with AdSense in our Help Center.

Finally, to receive more targeted optimization tips, make sure you’re opted into Performance Suggestions in your AdSense email preferences. We look forward to helping you grow your site!

Update on forms of payment available on our new payment system

We recently let you know about upcoming improvements to the Payments page in your account, designed to provide you with a better experience and address your feedback. These changes are part of an upgrade to our payment system, and over the coming months we’ll continue to roll out these upgrades to all publishers.

For publishers located in countries where we offer payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), we’ve made improvements to this form of payment to give you quicker access to your earnings. Once your account has been upgraded to our new system, EFT payments will appear in your bank account just days after posting to your Payments page. As always, EFT payments are free of charge, less error prone, more efficient and the most environmentally-friendly payment method.

With these changes, please note that the new system won’t support check payments in countries where we offer EFT as a form of payment. If you’re located in a country where we offer EFT payments and you currently receive check payments, please be advised that you’ll need to complete a few steps once your account is upgraded. However, no immediate action is required on your part at the moment. Once your account is transitioned to the new system, you’ll receive an email notification with detailed instructions on setting up EFT payments.                

For our readers who are located in countries where we don’t yet support EFT, please know that we’re working hard to improve the payments process and find ways to send you your payments as quickly and securely as possible. If you have any questions, please sign in to your AdSense account and visit the Payments section in our Help Center for the most relevant information.

Introducing redesigned Payments pages 

To make the payment process easier and more flexible, we’ll soon be introducing some changes to the “Payments” and “Account settings” pages in your AdSense account. At the moment, this new payments interface is available to a small set of AdSense accounts, but we’ll gradually roll it out to more publishers in the upcoming months. When the new Payments page is enabled for your account, it’ll look like this:

Here’s a summary of the changes and added benefits of the new payments interface:

1. Redesigned Payment summary and Payment settings pages
- Payment method is now called Form of payment.
- Unpaid finalized earnings is now called Current balance.
- Redesigned transaction history table shows you the latest activities at the top.
- New toolbar support allows you to filter, print, export, or download transaction information.

2. More flexibility with your payment settings
- New extended timeline allows you to change your payment information until the 20th of any month.
- You can choose any payment threshold greater than the default payment threshold based on your reporting currency.
- You can also hold your payments until a specified date.

3. Improved navigation of the payments interface
- Centralized locations to manage your Payment settings and Payee profile.
- Contextual help is displayed based on the pages you navigate to.

This is just a first step towards providing a better payment experience, and we’ll continue to add improvements over the coming months. For additional details, please sign in to your AdSense account and visit the Payments section in our Help Center.

Western Union option expands to more countries in Southeast Asia

 We understand that payment options are very important to you, so we continuously work to improve them. Today we’re happy to announce that we’ve expanded Western Union Quick Cash® as an AdSense payment method to three additional countries: Singapore, Cambodia and Laos.

For those of you who aren't familiar with this form of payment, Western Union Quick Cash payments are free and will reach you faster than checks. Payments follow our normal payment schedule and are available for pickup in your local currency at your local Western Union agent the day after they're issued.

It’s important to note that at this time we can only send Western Union payments to publishers that have an individual account. Also, the payee name on your account must exactly match the government-issued ID card that you'll use when picking up your payments. For more information on how to sign up for and pick up Western Union payments, please visit our Help Center.

For those of you who don’t yet have Western Union Quick Cash as a payment method in your country, we appreciate your patience as we work to make this available. Please continue reading our Inside AdSense blog to learn about future launches.

Turkeys and taxes 

The NBA season may be unusually absent at this time of year, but thankfully we can still count on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and oh yes... preparation for taxes. Before falling asleep next to a warm fireplace with a belly full of savory delicacies and sugary sweets, be sure to log in to your AdSense account to double-check your address. To ensure that your AdSense account reflects your current tax standing, you may even re-submit your tax information. We’ll soon be using the information in your AdSense account to generate your tax forms for 2011, so you’ll want to make sure that the information we have is correct.

Remember, you’ll only receive a tax form 1099-MISC from us if you're a U.S. publisher and you meet either of the following requirements:

  • You submitted a Form W-9, are not a corporation, and were paid at least US $600 in 2011
  • You indicated that you are subject to backup withholding and had taxes withheld
Enjoy the festivities!



Display both text and image ads for an easy change with big impact is an online resource for finding free or affordable events in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founder Johnny Hayes recently shared his site’s story with us and gave some tips on an easy and high impact way that he’s optimized his revenue -- by enabling both text and image/rich media ads.

Inside AdSense: How did come about?
Johnny Hayes: I moved to San Francisco without a job and couldn’t find much work, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I spent my time hunting down cheap and free things to do in the city and, starting in 2003, began emailing my friends with a weekly list of activities. More friends found out and wanted to be added to my email list, so I decided it was time to make a real website.

IA: How did you get started with AdSense?
JH: I began using AdSense in March 2007. It was my first source of online advertising revenue. As content developed on my site and traffic grew, my AdSense revenue grew as well.

IA: Why did you decide to opt in to both text and image/rich media ads?
JH: Several months ago, I received an email from AdSense letting me know that I hadn't opted in to displaying text ads and was only displaying image ads.

I had originally chosen to only show image ads because I figured they were more aesthetically appealing to my readers. But Google’s reasoning – which made sense to me – was that even though there’s tons of advertisers using image ads, there’s a bunch more out there who are specifically bidding on text ads. If I’m only showing image ads then I’m leaving the text advertisers out of the auction. And since these text ads would only be shown on my site if they outbid image ads, why not offer this space to them?

So I decided to give the text ads a shot. It seemed like an easy thing to do that might have a positive impact on my revenue with virtually no downside.

IA: What were the results? Would you recommend this strategy to other publishers?
JH: After enabling both text and image ads on my site, I saw a 51% revenue increase and nearly a 60% increase in average eCPM. It was an easy change with a big impact. And using AdSense means I don't have to worry about the laborious task of finding and managing advertisers myself and can instead focus my time on what I like to do – writing good content, putting together a great site and growing my business. I just plugged in the AdSense code and rarely have to think about it again.

I would say to other publishers that it’s worth giving the option for both text and image ads a try. It's pretty easy to set up – I just followed the instructions in the email I had received from AdSense and it took just a few minutes. Also, set up channels to track your ads so you can see specifically which of your ad locations and ad types are monetizing well, and continue with that.

If you want to give text and image ads a try like Johnny, click here to upgrade your units now!
  • Once you're signed in to your AdSense account, click the "My Ads" tab in the new AdSense interface
  • Select all ad units
  • From the "Actions" dropdown, edit ad type to "Text & Image / rich media ads"
  • Set up custom channels to monitor the impact on your AdSense performance
Check out the images below to see where to enable both text and image ads in your account using the new AdSense interface:

Monday, July 15, 2013

New Google+ badges and follow buttons can be used in Blogger

This Quick-tip introduces the new Google+ plugins that Google released in late June 2013

Recently, Google+ Developers blog announced a vastly improved set of Google+ plugins for use with websites.

Most (all?) of them are not yet available as Blogger gadgets, so you have to get the code from the Google+ resources site, and add it to your blog like you would add any 3rd party code.

The new options include a more "industry-standard" follow on Google+ button, and new badges for Pages, Communities and Hangouts, as seen here. (I've previously explained why you might like to have a G+ community alongside your blog.)

They are configurable (size, dark/light, style, etc) - but  you need to work out how to apply the configuration settings to the code.   That said, I've added them to this site without any configuration (see the top of the sidebar), and the default options appear to work well. And it's not actually as hard as it looks: in general you just follow the pattern of:

  • Changing{pageId}     to link to the "thing" (Page, Community, Profile) that you are displaying in the badge.
  • Using the "<div class="g-page" data-href="{pageId}"></div>" form of the code, ie the one that's completely inside a "div" statement.
  • Adding extra information to it using "data-"   for example,   "<div class="g-page" data-href="{pageId}" data-layout="landscape" data-width="200">

There is one interesting sentence in the announcement:
"Existing badges will stick around for up to 90 days, giving you time to configure the new version for your website. After 90 days, we'll automatically upgrade any Google+ badges to the new design."
I wonder how that will relate to the Google + gadgets that are available in Blogger's Add-a-gadget function now - maybe they will be automatically be changed too.   (In 90 days ... yeah, right ...)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Earn the Respect of Other Bloggers

Earning the respect of other bloggers and those who read blogs is not something that comes easily. However, there are things you can do that will help you gain their respect. Read this article to get some ideas for finding your place in the world of blogs.
Good things to know when blogging


  1. 1
    Remember that fellow bloggers are also readers. That means, when you're aiming to earn their appreciation, you're aiming to provide information that readers will want to read as well as share with people they know. Fellow bloggers are readers-with-benefits; if they like your blog, it's probable that they'll try to connect with you, share your content, and promote you. They may seek to get you guest blogging for them, or they may ask if they can guest blog for you.
  2. 2
    Provide quality content. As noted in the previous step, your fellow bloggers are also potential readers. As such, respect from other bloggers will come when they realize that you're providing original, interesting, and consistent content. While this might seem self-evident, there are many blogs out there that don't match this single most important requirement, such as blogs the simply regurgitate the news, other people's blog content, or don't even try to present something interesting to the audience. Other blogs overstep the mark by being nothing but a marketing vehicle for a single product that smells awfully of pyramid selling or a fly-by-night operation. None of these things attract the respect of other bloggers. Things to bear in mind when creating quality content include:
    • Use original opinions to put an interesting slant on the information you're providing. Even if everyone has read it before, a new slant with original thought can have people thinking again.
    • Use references. Don't expect other people to just take you at your word for factual statements; provide them with the evidence. As part of this, be sure to make it easy for them to find the resources that you used – no wild goose chases or made-up stuff.
  3. 3
    Make time for fellow bloggers. Take the time to answer their questions about your own blog. Visit their blogs and read and comment on their efforts. Create reciprocal relationships by being involved in what they're saying and doing too.
    • Ask your favorite bloggers if they're like to share a guest post on your blog. Offer to guest post on their blogs as well as offering them guest post opportunities on your blog.
    • Network with other bloggers continuously. Stay in touch with what they're doing and spread it via your Twitter and Facebook accounts; this shows that you care about what they're saying. Attend their online and real life talks and seminars if you can. And join social media network groups; a number of these are set up on sites such as LinkedIn. And develop a plan for how you will cultivate and increase your contacts.[1]
    • Be interactive with reader's comments. Bloggers leave comments too, and you may or may not know that those who have left comments are bloggers. Regardless of that, it's just good etiquette to respond to comments where you're able to, as it keeps readers engaged and alerts other bloggers to your blog being an interactive one (meaning it's well tended and cared for!).
  4. 4
    Chill on disrespecting other bloggers. If you start singling out bloggers and picking on them, or being negative about them, you're taking a very big risk. Maybe this is what you want from your blog but bear in mind that the following problems arise from this prickly approach:
    • Bloggers who support the attacked blogger will band together. And together they are a much wider source of spreading negative information about you if it's clear you're being spiteful, untruthful, or intimidating.
    • Being in a war with another blogger or group of bloggers does not make for interesting reading. You stand to lose a lot of readers if this is what your content ends up reflecting.
    • It's hard to trust someone who appears as if they can turn at a mere moment and start undermining you. By attacking another blogger, other bloggers won't know whether this is something you'll turn around and do to them or not.
    • Know the difference between constructive criticism and outright damnation and unkindness. You do have a role in pointing out errors and misunderstandings in a reasoned and evidenced way, but your don't have a role in dragging the person through the mud. Always focus on the issue, not the person.
  5. 5
    Know and respect the blogger's code of ethics or code of conduct. There are several variations of this idea floating around the internet but the basics can be filtered down to some of the following listed next. The important thing is that by following this code, you're likely to increase the potential for respect from other bloggers because you can demonstrate that you remain dedicated to using the blog as an informative, considerate, and non-combative medium. Some of the ideas involved in the various codes include:[2]
    • Be responsible for what you opine. If you think something, make it clear that it's you who thinks it.
    • Monitor your blog comments. Remove those that are hateful and inflammatory towards others.
    • Be honest and fair, don't plagiarize, avoid distorting images, and make lack of certainty or fact evident. Avoid publishing inaccurate information (do your research).
    • Don't misrepresent fact. Make it clear when you're writing opinion, fact, commentary, advocacy, or conjecture and avoid mixing them up.
    • The facts do matter even if they get in the way of a good retelling. Check your facts.
    • Don't hide advertising in your commentary or general write-up. Be open about what's marketing and advertising.
    • Be considerate of those who might be harmed by what you're writing. Think about privacy, respect, defamation, and intent when "exposing" people or activities.
    • Be sensitive when discussing minors, lurid issues, tragedy, or grief; err on the side of protecting private people's privacy and not crossing the boundaries of good taste.
    • Admit it when you make errors and do all you can to remedy them and repair your relationships to rebuild trust. Publicly correct misinformation that you've blogged; go back to the errant post and make it clear with a postscript that you've retracted the errors too (for example, strike through erroneous information).[3] And don't feel you have to be "perfect" – nobody is and to expect that is unrealistic.[4] Indeed, when you fluff up, you seem more real than ever and that's reassuring for most readers.
    • Disclose conflicts of interest, affiliations, and personal agendas. You can still have a field day with your personal affiliations provided people know where you're coming from.
    • Don't be unethical and don't stand for unethical practices in other bloggers.
  6. 6
    Be honest about your information sources. Not being honest about sources upsets other bloggers a great deal; "borrowing" (or to put it more bluntly, "stealing") their material, whether it's text or images, is infuriating. If you do this and you refuse to acknowledge where the information came form, you won't ever earn their respect. The best approaches are as follows:
    • Give credit where credit is due. Always credit your sources, even if they are just a source for ideas. It will be seen by other bloggers and the favor will be returned.
    • Make original source links clear. When you do put in the link to the original source, don't hide it. Allow it to be seen without it having to be looked for.
    • Don't watermark the images you use with your blog link. Doing this is cheesy. If it's a photo blog, you'll want to find some ways to protect yourself. As the original photographer, this is certainly acceptable. However, if they aren't your images, use hotlink protection for those images that you want to protect that aren't yours.
  7. 7
    Use your own bandwidth. Something that has worn out numerous website and blog owners over time is the use of their bandwidth. This has resulted in many people closing down their sites or blogs as a result of it not being affordable. Support your fellow blogger by hosting the images that you're using and not linking to theirs. And acknowledge where the photos hail from.
  8. 8
    Learn from constructive criticism. You will receive criticism as a blogger. See it as a learning experience, and try to improve your blogging approach, especially when the suggestions come from another blogger. In fact, other bloggers are an amazing pool of knowledge and resources for you to tap into, so if they do offer you advice on what to do better, consider this free training!
    • Nasty criticism from another blogger will be seen for what it is. Don't take it to heart, keep a sense of humor and make up your mind whether to reply at all, or just to give a brief reply that doesn't engage the nastiness but merely concedes the point of what could be done better, or brushes off the attack in a kindly, amused fashion.
    • Respect your readers. Don't be condescending to them (unless that is your 'thing' and it's what the readers expect and enjoy about your blog). Treat them as equals.
    • Show the same respect to others that you are trying to earn.

Edit Tips

  • As tempting as it may seem, don't generalize and gripe about journalists. Many of them are now fellow bloggers anyway, and the days in which they held a haughty distinction between what they did and blogging are fast passing. Expect some bloggers to be journalists and express respect for all writers, authors, and bloggers who are doing their best to provide quality content and analysis to the rest of the world. And expect some journalists to find citizen journalism threatening; it's up to you to disprove them, not criticize them.
  • Be patient; most good and popular blogs take time and are the result of a long period of working consistently and patiently to build up a solid amount of content and linkages to other blogs in the blogosphere. This doesn't happen overnight and trying stunts to get yourself noticed earlier may backfire, so take great care to build your reputation on solid ground.
  • Write in proper English. Remember that only spell check is not enough
  • Warnings

    • Be very careful with rant posts. They can alienate a lot of readers and leave bloggers wary of you.

How to Put AdSense Ads on a Blogger Blog

This WikiHow will explain "How to Put AdSense Ads on a Blogger Blog".As you may know AdSense ads generates revenue for the blog owner. Also, Aside from Facebook, Twitter and Google+ one of the most constant sources of information and communication networks on the net are the Blogs. Knowing this details, having a popular blog increase your chances to generate income with AdSense ads.
The Process to add Adsense Ads is easy. Lets do it the easy way:


  1. 1
    Log in to your Blogger dashboard. You will see your blog list(All the blog you have created)
  2. 2
    Choose with a click a blog where you want to add AdSense Ads
  3. 3
    There is a left side bar, one of the options is "Earnings" click it
  4. 4
    Click on the option "Sign Up for Google" - Follow the steps they show.

  1. 1
    After your account is approved, go back to your blogger dashboard and click the option "Layout" that is after "Earnings"
  2. 2
    According to your layout you will see the options "Add a Gadget" - Click it
  1. 1
    A window will popup, scroll down till you find "AdSense", click it
  2. 2
    In the last step all you need to do is configure your Adsense Ads: Chose the color, size and then Save it. You are all done.
  1. 1
    Refresh your blog to see your AdSense Ads

How to Use AdSense on a Blog

 Use AdSense on a Blog

Google AdSense is an advertising program that is open and available to those who own and operate websites, including blog sites. The program works by displaying text or image advertisements in certain locations of your blog and it rewards you with income for every visitor that clicks on one of the advertisements. Profiting by using the AdSense program takes a lot of effort and discipline, but prolific bloggers have been known to earn 6 figure incomes from AdSense alone. If you write a blog, you might want to learn how to use AdSense on a blog successfully.


  1. 1
    Determine if your blog is eligible for AdSense. Just because you run a blog does not mean you automatically qualify for the AdSense program. Google has a policy for selecting and approving websites that are eligible to be part of their AdSense program. For example, if your blog is adult-oriented or illegal, Google reserves the right to deny you entry into the AdSense program. You can read more about Google AdSense policies on their website.
  2. 2
    Increase your blog's level of traffic. AdSense runs on a pay-per-click system, meaning you only get paid when people click on the advertisements on your blog. One way to increase the number of clicks you receive is to increase the total number of visitors to your website.
    • Write high quality and unique content. In order to draw in as many visitors as you can, your blog must be full of unique content that visitors cannot find anywhere else. Not only that, but your content must be high quality. Uniqueness will draw them in and high quality will keep them coming back for more.
    • Optimize your content for search engines. There is an entire paradigm of blog design known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which works to make sure that your blog content will be indexed by search engines and shown to visitors who search for relevant keywords.
    • Promote your blog on the Internet. When you visit another blog that covers topics related to your own blog, you may want to comment on their blog posts and leave a link back to yours. Seek out forums and communities that fall into your target niche and let them know that you're running a related blog.
  3. 3
    Optimize your blog design for AdSense advertisements. The AdSense program allows you to choose where to display the advertisements and the color scheme of the advertisements. Changing the location of your advertisements can mean the difference between numerous clicks and no clicks at all. Choose a location that is free from clutter and immediately visible upon visit.
    • The recent trend with AdSense bloggers is to place their advertisement locations in line with their blog posts. For example, you may want to put your advertisements below every post on your blog. This way, the advertisements are visible yet they blend in with the blog's design.
    • Place your advertisements near the top and left of the main page. According to research conducted by Google, advertisements in these locations tend to fare better than elsewhere. This is likely due to the advertisements' immediate visibility upon visiting the blog.
  4. 4
    Make sure your AdSense advertisements are relevant to your blog. If you're blogging on mobile technology but your advertisements are for pet health and pet care, your visitors are not likely to click. On the other hand, if you're blogging about computer games and your advertisements are for high quality keyboards and mice, you're more likely to catch your visitors' eyes.
    • One way to ensure that AdSense delivers relevant advertisements to your blog is to make sure that your blog's content is specific and focused. Instead of running a golf blog, you may want to run a golf blog for women or a blog dedicated to reviewing golf clubs. The more specific your content is, the more targeted your advertisements will be.

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

Earn Money Through Google Adsense

Money for nothing? Well, not quite—but close! Google’s AdSense is a revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites that places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page, or clicked on. We'll show you some good ideas that added to your own, will help increase your AdSense revenue.


Creating an Ad Unit

  1. 1
    Sign into your AdSense account. Go to AdSense, and click on My ads in the upper left.
    • Create a new Ad unit. In the main screen area, under Content > Ad units, click the +New ad unit button.
  2. 2
    Name your ad unit. This can be any name that suits you, but many find creating a standard naming format helps them manage large amounts of data.
    • For example, using [target site for the ad]_[ad size]_[ad date] is one approach, that would look like this: mywebsite.com_336x280_080112. Whatever format you decide to use for naming, make that your standard.
  3. 3
    Pick a size. See "How to Do It" below for details, but Google has found best practices that generate more clicks.
  4. 4
    Set your ad type. This determines the types of ads you will see on your website: text only; text and image/rich media; and image/rich media only.
  5. 5
    Create a custom channel. A custom channel lets you group ad units however you choose, such as by size or location on a page.
    • You can track performance by custom channel, and turn your channel into a targetable ad placement so advertisers can target their ads to your ad units.
  6. 6
    Create your ad style. This lets you choose colors for the various components of an ad: border, title, background, text, and URL. It also lets you choose corner styles, from square to very rounded, a font family, and a default font size.
    • It's good practice to create an ad style that harmonizes with the look and colors of your website.
    • You can use Google's presets, or use your own custom settings. In either case, a sample ad on the right will show you how your ad will appear

  7. 7
    Get the code for the ad. When you're done with the ad setup, either save your ad unit, or click the Save and get code button at the bottom to get the HTML code for your site.
    • If adding code to your site is a puzzle you want help with, click here for Google's code implementation guide.

How to Design Your Ad Campaign

  1. 1
    Analyze your content. In designing any kind of ad campaign, it's crucial to know who your target is. If you're writing a food blog that caters to single men on a budget, for example, you've narrowed the scope of who you will be appealing to. You've also got a very good focus point for your ads. What are things single men who cook drawn to? Here are some possibilities: dating, cars, movies, politics, and live music.
    • Think about who frequents your website, write down what you feel are the most important characteristics of your viewers.
  2. 2
    Fine tune advertisements. While AdSense will auto-populate your page with what they feel are relevant ads, use their tools to provide tighter controls.
    • Set up channels. Channels are like labels that let you group your ad units your way—by color, category, or pages. By setting up channels, you can get detailed reports on the performance of your ad units, and use that to your advantage. For example:
      • Use one style of ad on one group of pages, and another style on another group. Track and compare the performance of the two styles, and pick the best performer.
      • Compare performance on pages that focus on different things. For example, if your pages about gardening perform better than your pages on cooking, you might consider adding more to your gardening pages.
      • If you have separate domains, set up a channel to track each of them to see which is generating the most clicks.
  3. 3
    Optimize your ad placement and site design. Google has found there are places where ads are more effective, and places where they are less effective.
    • Ads that appear when you first arrive at your page (i.e., "above the fold" as they say in the newspaper world) tend to be more effective than those that are below the fold.
    • Ads on upper left tend to perform much better than ads on the lower right.
    • Ads directly above the primary content, and ads that appear at the bottom of the page and above the footer tend to perform very well.
    • Wider ads are generally more successful, as they are much easier to read.
    • Ads that display images or video perform very well.
    • Using colors that complement your website colors will make them more readable, and so more effective.
  4. 4
    Learn how AdSense works. AdSense automatically sends ads to your site based on a few different criteria:
    • Contextual targeting. AdSense crawlers scan your page, analyze your content, and serve up ads designed match your content. They do this using keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the link structure of the web.
    • Placement targeting. This allows advertisers to choose to run their ads on specific subsections of a publisher's website. If your website matches an advertisers criteria, their ad will appear on your page.
    • Interest-based advertising. This lets advertisers reach users based on their interests and the user's previous interactions with them, such as a visit to their website. Google's Ads Preferences Manager allows users themselves to choose their interest categories, which further helps advertisers focus their ad campaigns. This method is good for monetizing your site more efficiently, as it increases the value for advertisers and provides a more relevant experience for users.

What's it Worth?

  1. 1
    Manage your expectations. When you sign up for AdSense, you'll want to know what kind of revenue can you expect to see. There is a lot that goes into what kind of return you can expect, and managing those things will help you maximize your earning potential.
  2. 2
    Traffic. First and formost, in order to generate any kind of revenue from AdSense you must have people clicking on your ads. In order for this to happen, you need to have people on your site, reading your content! Whether you have a business website, or a personal blog, the rule is the same: Get the word out!
    • Heavily trafficked large sites can see over a million hits a day, whereas a blog might feel lucky if they have 100 visitors a day.
    • For every thousand page impressions (views) you receive, you may earn from $.05 to $5. Yes, that's a broad range—over a month, that is between $1.50 and $150.00! Where in that range you can expect to frequent depends entirely on you, your site, and your promotion efforts.
  3. 3
    Cost Per Click (CPC). This paid every time somebody clicks an ad on your page. No, you can't click your own ad—Google will see this, and shut you down so fast your head will spin. The advertisers set the price for these ads, and they can vary greatly.
    • An advertiser may spend a lot on a per-click basis, but that ad may generate very little interest on your site. #*An ad that may generate $.03 per click may get 100 hits, but that doesn't add up to much.
  4. 4
    Clickthrough Rate (CTR). This is the percentage of visitors to your site compared to how many them actually clicked on an ad. If 100 people came to your site, and 1 of them clicked an ad, your CTR is 1%, and that's not an unreasonable number. You can see how getting more traffic to your site will really make a difference.
  5. 5
    Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM). This is an estimate of how much you might receive if you have 1000 impressions (page views).
    • If you made, for example, $1 for 100 impressions, your RPM would be $10. There is no guarantee you'll make that, but it's a good way to check the overall performance of your site.
  6. 6
    Content is king. The quality of your content is an important factor in understanding your earning potential. If your site provides rich, compelling content and a great user experience, you will have more interested users. Google's crawlers will also have an easier time determining the type of ad content would best fit on your site. Interested users + targeted ads = $$$
  7. 7
    Start building keyword-rich pages. Liberally seed with well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site.
    • If your site is about topics such as debt consolidation, web hosting or asbestos-related cancer, you’ll earn much more per click than if it’s about free puppies.
    • If you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you’ll face stiff competition. What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply, so do some careful keyword research before you build your pages.


Facebook: Do You Know How We Earn Money From the Users?

While browsing inside facebook, I came across an article,
not really of an article but a trivia about the social-media site. I don’t
know if this is legit, because some information that comes from the site is hoax,
since "trollers" are all over the place. Well, the trivia
came from a facebook page named, “Trivia Mania”.

The trivia was about facebook making money from its users,
that every person that makes a profile in the site adds about $47
to the entire value of the company. Well you will wonder how they will
make money from just creating profiles in their site. Here is the answer; one way
of making money is that the commercial ads for every click are charged.
There is a new way companies charging every conversion or transaction.
If this is legit, then the site is a growing investment from time to time.

Can I earn money through a facebook account? If I can How does it work?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

yes you can earn money through facebook first you need Facebook account, E-mail address
Internet connection, List of affiliate products/links, Your blog or website URL

Set up a business Facebook page. If you already have a personal Facebook account, you need only select a business name and set up a page to promote your business. Click "Create a Page" at the bottom of the screen on your home page. Alternatively, select "Create a Page" at the bottom of the Facebook sign-up screen.

Choose from the supplied templates. Follow onscreen prompts to supply information about the business. Add your business logo or product shot and a URL leading to your company's main website. During the process, you are asked to supply your personal Facebook account information or to sign up for a business-only account.

Maintain an active presence on Facebook so that people can identify with your business, blog or website and keep up with your notes and postings.

Place targeted Facebook ads on the site to promote your product or website. Click on the "Advertising" link at the bottom of your page and follow the prompts to create an ad. Pay particular attention to choosing the best market for your product. You can advertise to specific age groups and geographic areas or address an ad to people who have listed specific interests on their profiles.

Sell items on Facebook using the the third-party app Marketplace. If you're already selling products on your website, add the same listings on the Marketplace section. To locate the app, type "Marketplace" into the search box at the top of the Facebook page. If you don't see the app, click "See more results for Marketplace" at the bottom of the results screen. Click "Apps" on the left side of the page to limit the results. Read the information carefully, as this is a third-party app, but it is a highly popular app and is used by millions of people monthly.

Google Adsense Introduction

Google Adsense Introduction

Google Adsense is a quick and easy way to monetize your website. With Adsense you can display text and image ads that are targeted to match the subject matter of a website page.

This means that if you create an article covering ‘DotNetNuke Skins’ the ads from Google Adsense will display DotNetNuke related advertisements.

You earn money from the advertisements on a cost-per-click basis. The amount that you earn per click varies dependant on the keyword and the number of advertisers bidding for that keyword.

The Advertisements

The adverts displayed by Google come from the Google Adwords service:

This is where advertisers can bid to display their advert whenever a user searches on Google for a certain keyword. An advertiser also has the option to display their advertisements on the publishing network (websites that display Google Adsense).

Displaying Google Adsense

You can choose from a variety of advertisement banner sizes to display on your website along with options for customizing the colour of the text adverts. This allows you to easily format the advertisements to match the design style of your website.

Once you sign up for a Google Adsense account you can configure the banner style and colours that you wish to use. Google will supply you with the JavaScript code that you need, all you have to do is paste the JavaScript into the source code of your website.

How Much Can You Earn?

How Much Can You Earn?

There are several factors that affect how much you can earn from Google Adsense. Some Adsense publishers earn a five figure income each month whereas others earn a few dollars per month. Your income from Adsense depends on:
  • The cost per click for each advertisement
  • The number of visitors / page views your site receives
  • CTR - Click Through Rate for the ads
You have to earn $100 or more before Google will issue a payment to you. The total is rolled over each month until you exceed $100.

Adsense Tips

If you view the resources at the end of this article there are several links to articles already created that outline tips for increasing Adsense revenue. Here I will outline the main tips:
Ad Placement
The position of the Adsense advertisements is very important for increasing click through rates. Google have created a heatmap to help you decide the best placement for your ads.
Number of Ads
You are allowed to display up to 3 ad units on a page and a single link unit. If you can, make the most of this and display all of these ads using different combinations of banner sizes and locations across your page.
Colour of Ads and Blending
Research has found that the best CTRs are achieved by blending the advertisements to match the style of your website design. For instance, remove all of the borders from the ads and change the colour of the text links to match the colour of the links within your own website. This helps to create the perception that the links are part of the page and not advertisements.

Other techniques are to place images alongside the advertisements in order to grab the attention of the visitors’ eye. Be careful with these techniques though as Google is known for banning publishers who try to trick visitors to click on the adverts.

Making Money Quickly Is A Myth

  • 1. Making Money Quickly Is A Myth Can I Earn Money Overnight? Making money quickly is largely a myth. If you're starting from square one, results won't appear overnight. If you want to have a quick start to make money is definitely not a myth. Joining website affiliate programs can give you a quick jump to earn residual income for yourself. Tan Kim Cheng 5/23/2010
  • 2. Making Money Quickly is a Myth Making money quickly is largely a myth. If you're starting from square one, results won't appear overnight. For a newbie, be ready for a lot of learning, a lot of time spent building a foundation of content and contacts... but also expect eventual success. So it’s not easy. But it's worth it. Working hard at making money online for a few years, could change the subsequent 50 years of your life. Instead of trading time for dollars, you'll get to a point where the dollars are flowing in with minimal care-and-feeding from you. And you can pursue your true calling at that point. If you've ever held down two jobs, this is the same thing. Work at night. Work on weekends. But ensure you have a guide or mentor, so that your work during these stolen moments is not wasted. If you want to have a quick start to make money is definitely not a myth. Joining website affiliate programs can give you a quick jump to earn residual income for yourself. Website affiliate programs are rapidly becoming a valuable asset to many online entrepreneurs. This trend comes as no surprise when you consider that an effective affiliate program can dramatically increase sales for an e-business, even to the degree of becoming the primary source of revenue for that business. An affiliate program is a way you can send people to a product or service website and share in any profits from any sales to those customers. You are paid a commission for every person that buys a product or service the website. You do not need to be 'technical' to set up a website as this has already done for you. Advertising affiliate marketing programs is the only thing you need to do to put money into your pocket. 3 steps to earn money through website affiliate programs: 1. Join affiliate marketing networks. ClickBank and PayDotCom offer up 75% commissions in their affiliate marketing networks. Commissions are paid to you is generally through check or direct deposit. PayPal is a recommended way to collect your sales commission with ease. 2. Choose a niche. There are thousands of products and services you can choose from. You can find affiliate programs for every product under the sun. Choose a product, get an affiliate link to promote, and you are really to sell in an instant. Please bear in mind when you are searching for your product to promote that it should also be a product that someone is actually searching for on quite a big scale on the internet, it is no good
  • 3. trying to sell something that is not in demand right now, not everyone has the same interests as you. 3. Generate traffic. Advertise and bring in visitors into your affiliate programs is the only way to earn money. You send visitors / potential customers to your selected merchant website. If they buy or complete required action such as fill in a form, the merchant pays you commission. Affiliate internet marketing is an excellent way to earn money while at home. There are virtually no production costs. The product is already developed and proven by the merchant, and all you have to do to find, as many prospects as you can that will bring in the profit for both the merchant and the affiliate. If you are still looking for affiliate marketing solutions, visit Tan Kim Cheng Affiliate Marketing Guide, a one-stop resource site where you can find articles, videos, faq, strategies and every related informations about Affiliate Marketing at

Reasons For AdSense Ban - The truth about your banned AdSense account

  • 2. This presentation is brought to you by: Markus Allen Founder in online marketing advice for small business marketers
  • 3. 17 ways to get your AdSense account banned and how to work around Google to monetize the empty spaces on your blog or
  • 4. AdSense click fraud Obviously, Google bans your account for clicking on your own
  • 5. AdSense "click rings Joining a group of "clickers" is easy for Google to detect and getting banned is a
  • 6. Click incentives Paying your visitors with incentives to click on your AdSense ads is a sureļ¬re way to get your AdSense account
  • 7. Above-the-fold adsIf your visitors screen only shows ads(while your content is hidden "below thefold" of their monitor), you run a high riskof getting your AdSense account
  • 8. Displaying AdSense ads in mobile apps Google acquired mobile-ad matchmaker AdMob, but shut it down just months after the purchase. Google directs app makers to switch to AdSense, but its against Googles Terms of Service to place their ads in mobile
  • 9. Showing too many ads Its against Googles rules to show more than 3 content units plus 3 link units plus 2 search forms on a single
  • 10. Poor-quality content The dirty little webmasters secret is low-quality content signiļ¬cantly boosts their AdSense earnings. (And Google knows this.) Google bans your AdSense account when your content doesnt make the quality
  • 11. Illegal webpage whitespace There are two VERY responsive areas on any website: - Thank you page (after a purchase or optin) - Popup (or ļ¬‚oating ad) For some odd reason, displaying ads in these forbidden places gets your AdSense account
  • 12. Sharing good news Google likes to keep secrets... ... And that includes your AdSense earnings. Its a BIG-time no no to publicly share your AdSense
  • 13. Google competition If your alternative ads look anything like Google AdSense ads, Google is going to ban your AdSense
  • 14. Multiple AdSense accounts Its prudent to separate websites into its own corporate entities. And that requires different accounts for each corporation. But creating multiple accounts is a sureļ¬re way to lose all of your AdSense
  • 15. Made for AdSense Paying for trafļ¬c and "arbitraging" it via AdSense is a quick way to get your AdSense account
  • 16. Code tampering Some webmasters ļ¬nd it easier to tweak the AdSense HTML rather than using Googles online wizard to create their ad code. Unfortunately, Google considers this a bannable
  • 17. Unapproved language If your websites primary language isnt on their approved language list, your AdSense account is immediately
  • 18. Improper language If your sites content continually references Googles list of "adult" or "improper" words, you run a high risk of getting your AdSense account
  • 19. Publishing copyrighted material If your content references legally disputed material, your AdSense account could get
  • 20. Duplicate contents If your sites content is published and duplicated on other websites, you run the risk of getting your AdSense account
  • 21. I might have some good news for you Whether youve already been banned from Google AdSense (or youre looking for AdSense alternatives), you do have options... ... Many website marketers are replacing Google AdSense with their own private advertising. John Chow did this and reportedly generates over $40,000 a month (and cuts out the middleman, too)
  • 22. Solutions: How to replace Google AdSense with a better alternative I wrote an extensive tutorial on how I skipped over Google AdSense and host my own private ads. (I wish I did this when I ļ¬rst started online back in November of 1997). Read about my solutions right now (theres no optin or hoops to jump through): Click here to read about my life after Google

Is Google Adsense Your Only Revenue Source

  • 1. Is Google Adsense Your Only Source Of Income ? Written by Sion Tan
  • 2. Is Google Adsense your only source of internet income? If your answer is yes, you should look more sources of revenue stream. If you intend to apply more than one Google Adsense account, think twice if you have such intention. Your adense accounts will likely to get banned. Yes, this is a true fact. I know you hate to read every word on their terms of service, including myself. However, when you have a multiple adsense accounts are suspected to be misused, not only your account, all your earning through Google adsense will be forfeited too. This will not happen immediately but will happen over time. So use your adsense with caution. But what happen if your adsense accounted is being suspended? With today s Google stringent adsense application criteria, it will take a lot of effort to recover your adsense account back. Alternatively, you can buy a Google Adsense account via AdsenseG. However, there is no 100% guarantee you can get an account even you willing to pay for it, unless your application is able to meet their review criteria. At least, you must have a good business website to submit your application for review. Here is a little secret way where you can try to apply an adsense account absolutely free. It's easy and free and you don't even need a blogger blog. Step 1: Sign up with Indyarocks Step 2: Complete the minimum requirements through Indyarocks with Adsense application. (i.e. you have to upload at least 10 photos and fill 50% of profile information and so on.)
  • 3. This site is a social media site from India. It may look award for you to join into the site if you are not from India, however, if you still having a hard time to apply an Adsense account, it is worth to try this alternative way out to see if this works for you. As long you don t give up, you will find a way. If you are serious to earn money online, Google Adsense is one of the many earning channels you can use on internet marketing. You will face many obstacles on the journey of internet marketing, especially for a newbie in this field. Walk away is not an option. If you choose to face your obstacles, you are likely to achieve success on internet marketing. What make internet marketing turn out to be successful is to figure out a system that will work. Find a way that a human can easily to do it as possible and then figuring out how to do it. Repeat the same process of the system and turning the web traffic into money. Before starting an online business, sit down and take a look at your business. Make sure you don t fall into the trap that will turn you fat and lazy. One important thing to take note, make sure you are not getting most of your traffic or leads from one source. If your only source of traffic fails, your business will not able to generate income for you. This also implies to your income source. Let s say, if your Google Adsense is the only source of income generator, and it has been suspended by Google, there will be no other avenue to replace your current adsense revenue. Does this make sense to you?
  • 4. Sion Tan, an internet entrepreneur, wrote an ebook Business Without Qualification at Success Novice and inspire to create a learning channel to share internet marketing experience with newbie. Learning internet marketing made easy for novice via Success Novice. Click Here to Access Success Novice And Join my Free Newsletter Program and Download Free IM Bonuses Total Worth $229 TODAY!!!

A Guide to Understanding Google Adsense Rates

google adsense rate 

 Trying to understand Google’s rates for their Adsense ads can be just as confusing to the layman as trying to figure out a calculus problem. For this reason, many people do not take full advantage of all that Google has to offer. Many people simply sign-up for Adsense, go through the process of figuring out how to add it to their site, and cross their fingers. However, there is a little more to the process of Google Adsense rates than pure luck.

CTR, CPC, and RPM: Greek Terms to Most
When trying to understand the rates for Google’s ads, you need to understand these three terms: CTR, CPC, and RPM. But what do these three sets of initials mean?
CTR is a set of initials that Google uses for the Click-Through-Rate. But how is this figured? Simply put, the CTR is the number of clicks that each ad gets, divided by the number of impressions, then multiplied by 100.
However, there are two different CTRs to contemplate. There is a CTR that is composed of the number of visitors to your site, and a CTR that is composed of the number of pageviews on your site. Viewing both of these different types of CTRs can lead you to completely different numbers.
If each of your visitors clicks on several different pages of your website, the numbers for your pageview can be dramatically distorted.
Therefore, a better way of measuring your ad rate would be to predict the value of your keyword. To learn how to predict the value of your keyword, follow along to understand CPC.
CPC stands for cost-per-click. The first step to finding the CPC is to use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. By plugging your word into this tool, you can find how much advertisers are willing to pay to get an ad listed on for that keyword.
Now, that is not your rate for that ad on your website. Those advertisers will only pay about 30 percent for that ad to be posted on your website. So, take thirty percent of that number and that will be the CPC for that ad on your website.
Another way of measuring your Google Adsense rate is RPM. RPM stands for Revenue per Mille, or page revenue per 1000 impressions. This is the amount that Google calculates you will make for every 1000 views to your site. However, this only works well for larger sites with more views, since the number of visitors can vary based on a variety of things.
The Best Way
Therefore, the best way to measure your Google Adsense rate seems to be the CPC, or the cost-per-click. By using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, you can plug your keyword in to find the amount that advertisers will pay for their ad to be placed on, then find 30 percent of that number to find how much the advertiser will pay to post ads on your site. From that point, you simply need to work on improving your website, using your Google Adsense ads in the best way possible, and promoting your website to maximize your profits with Google Adsense.

10 Amazing Google Adsense Tips and Tricks


Working with Google Adsense to generate a profit can be somewhat daunting, especially when you even think about all of the advanced algorithms that Google uses to weed out sites. But I have assembled 10 amazing Google Adsense tips and tricks that will help you improve your knowledge and your earnings with Google’s ad program.

1) If you want to maximize your profits, make sure to create more than one website.
However, you don’t want to start off by creating 100 websites. Maintenance for that many sites, at first, would be hectic. While having only one website would be the easiest to maintain, it also increases your chances of being cut out altogether by the latest algorithm update. So, you want to have a few websites up and running. Then if the latest algorithm forces one website out, you still have a few others to generate income from while you work on the affected one.

2) Pick a niche to write about per site.

Creating a site that discusses any topic under the moon may be easier to find the desire to update, but it will make it difficult to create constant traffic, make it hard for the Google search engine to rank your site, and cause trouble generating ads that are on topic.
Also, if you only pick one subject to focus on, you can go more in-depth and gain expertise in that field. This makes your website more profitable for users and yourself.

3) Create a site about something you are already interested in!
This Google Adsense tip only makes sense! Making your site about something that you like makes it more fun in the long-run for you to continue managing your site. If something is less like work, then you are more likely to do it. Constant updates on your site is good for traffic and search engines, which generates clicks on your ads.
However, don’t create a site about something that is not in demand. Just because you like to study rare deep-sea anglerfish doesn’t mean that everyone else does. If you want to maximize your profits, you will need to give information about something that the general public will be researching.

4)Do not put Google Adsense on a brand new site!
When building a new site, wait until you have completed the site, you have built inbound links, and you are getting traffic. A brand new site can leave your ads being off topic and difficult to follow.
Also, if you try to apply to Google Adsense too early when your website is brand new, you will most likely be turned away. Google wants to know that your site has enough traffic so that putting their ads on your page will be profitable to them and you. They don’t waste time on beginner or spammy sites.

5) Do not put images next to your ads!
While many people did this for years and it worked successfully, it now against Google’s policies to do so. This is considered to be ‘encouraging clicks’ which is prohibited. If you do so, you may get more clicks for a bit, but you will quickly be caught and banned from having Adsense on your page. And once you are banned, you cannot get your account back into good standing.

Here is a free additional Google Adsense tip: If you haven’t read Google’s Adsense policies, I seriously suggest doing so.

6) Place images in optimal places on your site.

Ads that are higher on the site get clicked more often, which generates more income.

7) If you want to maintain optimal profit, do not put your ads on affiliate sites.
While well-known affiliate sites may get you more clicks than your own brand new site, you cannot depend on these sites to earn a maximum profit. It can be considered as a violation of the rules and regulations of Adsense. Moreover, each of the affiliate sites charges a percentage of your earnings to be able to post on their site. So, work on your own site, promote it to generate traffic, and be patient. Having ads on your own site will be better for you in the long-run.

8) Make sure to update your site on a regular basis.
If you create a site and leave it for a few months, you may find that your traffic has dropped significantly. Therefore, your amount of clicks and pay has dropped as well.
No one wants to visit a site that has grown stagnant and has old information, so get busy generating new information for your readers!

9) Create ads that best complement your site.
The optimal sizes for ads have been researched. They are the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 medium rectangle, and the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
However, don’t simply use these sizes without integrating them into your site well. You want the overall flow of your site to be pleasing to your loyal visitors, so be sure to fit the ads in a way that is visually appealing.

10) Do not stress over the latest google algorithms, or trying to beat the system!
Google constantly updates their algorithms to cut out spammers, and this unfortunately messes up the generated income for some sites. However, there is no way to currently beat this system, so do not stress if your site sees a dramatic drop suddenly. Simply continue to work hard at improving your site and keeping up with the latest Google Adsense Tips. Hopefully, you will see improvement again in your traffic.
These are some tips that should help you a great deal when trying to maximize the profits from your ads. Overall, continue working to improve your websites and don’t stress! Everyone knows that Google owns the world in their own mysterious way, and trying to fight it will only end in multiple visits to a psychiatrist. So, be happy and enjoy Google’s business offering to the world!

Google AdSense Introduction

Google AdSense is probably the most popular advertisement service on the web. By including a specific javascript code in your web site, it allows you to generate revenue though different advertisements related to your web site content. The amount of generated income is based on the type of advertisements and the number of clicks on them.
Your income is generated both from clicks on ads and from impressions (number of times the advertisement is shown on your web site).
Besides the clicks and the impressions, you can earn money by including a Google search box in your web site code. If your web site visitors use it you will get a percent of the profit relevant to their search terms. AdSense for Feeds and AdSense for Domains are also available . The first one places ads in the feeds managed by Google for your web site. The second one allows advertisements to be included for domains that do not  open a web site with content.
All AdSense options are described at: 
Bear in mind that making money with Google AdSense requires a popular site with popular keywords on it and attractive positions for the ad placements.
Generally, the software is administered by Google and you can monitor your balance through your Google profile.
The service is freely accessible for everyone who complies with the corresponding Terms of Use.
You can check the Terms of Use here:

Google AdSense Alternatives

According to popular marketing analysis from the beginning of 2010, one from every two online ads comes from Google Adsense. This shows how powerful Google Adsense is but also that there are still other alternatives. There are reasons to choose an alternative to the almighty Google service either when you are a publisher or advertiser. Such reasons include:
  • Higher revenue for publishers / Lower costs for advertisers
It is common for larger sites to manage their own advertisement campaigns, find advertisers / publishers directly and negotiate better deals. Naturally, with such larger sites Google Adsense has the least ads market share. An alternative for higher revenues are the so called affiliate programs which is suitable even for less popular sites as long as they are strictly specialized in one area. In this case it is feasible to find relevant subscriptions in which your visitors might be interested in and get a share of the subscription fees. We should mention here the popular service from the leader on the affiliate marketing - Commission Junction (CJ). It manages a huge number of affiliate programs for third parties. With CJ publishers have unmatched choice to find the best offers which may interest their visitors. Naturally, publishers' revenues rely on real sales generated from their site and not on impressions and clicks. A great feature is that publishers have the option to choose the advertisers, their offers and even the exact banners which will show on their sites. They also know what revenue (share in %) to expect per sale. These are very profitable features which Google Adsense lacks but it is not for every publisher. It requires marketing skills and knowledge about what visitors might be interested in purchasing. CJ has also great benefits for advertisers. First, it manages entirely their affiliate programs which is not an easy task. Second, the number of attracted publishers depends on the competitiveness of the ads. That's why if you are a publisher and believe your offers are competitive this is definitely the choice for you.
  • Noncompliance with Google Adsense policies - important for both publishers and advertisers
This point should not be underestimated because Google has very strict policies which exclude publishers / advertisers with sites with violent and/or illegal contŠµnt, gambling, sales of alcohol, tobacco-related products, and last but not least adult content. For more information please check this link. Once web site owners find their sites are not complying with Google Adsense policies they have the option to use similar pay-per-click and pay-per-view alternatives such as:   Adbrite - while they lack some of Google ads restrictions they also have some unique features such as full page ads, BritePic (show sads over your pictures) and others.   Clicksor - much less restrictive policies which are suitable even for adult sites. In conclusion, we believe that Google will remain the leading online ads provider in future because of its competitive advantages. Though if you are not satisfied with its effectiveness or you can't comply with its policies there are very good alternatives.
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