
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Some Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic

Starting a Blog might be an easy task, perhaps its easy for me, but what I found really hard is getting enough traffic and readers to my site.
There are many blogging tutorials on how to get tons of traffic to new blog with no doubts all these tips are good and have its own part in taking your blog traffic to next level, but one hidden treasure I found about getting direct traffic apart from search engine is the blog subscribers that subscribe to get your latest updates in their inbox.
Have you ever imagined woken up one day to find out your subscribers counts thousands? having huge numbers of subscribers can get you more traffic than you’ll ever imagined, but how do you get these subscribers, that’s where another problems comes in, implementing these tips might help in getting more subscribers as you want.
9 Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic

Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers

Here are some simple and effective ways to get more feedburner subscribers as well more email subscribers.

Subscription Box or Icon

There is no way to can gain subscribers if you don’t place any feed Subscription box on your site, get a big RSS icon and neat RSS form on your homepage and below your posts respectively, you may consider getting a free default mail subscription form from feedburner or use a custom subscription form, or you can use pop-up or animated image to draw first visit attention. Just make sure that any form you used was well placed on your site.
Bonus Tip: Let them know that the subscription is free and fast.
Tell them you hate spam and you won’t spam them.
You can consider using MadMimi newsletter.
Encourage new subscribers by sending them personal messages.

Free Offer, Contest and Giveaways

If you really mean business in increasing your subscribers you might want to consider offer giveaways and free offers, write an interesting eBook and give it out for free, does this really help?
Oh yeah very well, recently I reluctantly subscribe to a blog because he’s giving away something I’d want so bad for free, and I know not only me will do this. Believe me almost every one love free offers.
Tips: Don’t tell them they must subscribe to your updated before they can win, but rather tell them that you will announce the winner through your RSS feed subscription link or newsletter, even those who doesn’t participated will subscribe to know the winner.
Feel me? :D

Show off with your Subscribers

Sing out your own praises by showing off with the number of your subscribers, sometimes many subscribers like to follow up with the blog having good numbers of subscribers, I believe the same reason you entered an eatery with many customers and desert the eatery  with no customer.
If you let them know the amount of your subscribers will motivate them to try and give your Blog a shot, you can blow your own horn by displaying your subscriber counts on your site where readers can easily sight it or probably very close to where you put your subscription box, you can use feedburner feed count widget for this.
Tips: Only do this if you have average subscribers, or telling a white lie about your subscribers by increasing the size, any which way you’re looking for subscribers.

Recover Unverified Email Subscribers

Before the RSS subscription process will complete, subscribers need to verified the process with their mail, sometimes some people are lazy and some are ignorant of the process there by ending up not completing the process, if your unverified subscribers go as high as 30-50% percent you may finally end up losing approaching subscribers, but good enough you can send message through email to those subscribers to remind them of their unsuccessful process.
If you’re using any email marketing services, You can do it easily. But feedburner it’s bit hard.
Tips: you can use your webmail account to this, as it create more standard than using other mail services.

Ask People to Subscribe

You doesn’t have to had a sinking feeling by asking people to subscribe to your newsletter or your blog updates, have you forgotten the saying that “ask and thou shalt receive” ? or wait, allow me to say this, some people are laid-back they don’t do something if you don’t ask them to, after you asked them to subscribe to your feeds give them reasons to subscribe.
9 Easy Ways To Increase Subscribers and Traffic

Tips: At the end of your post you may say something related to this, “dear readers, my next post will be on  “how to get 10,000 of subscribers” you might want to subscribe to my updates to get it firs hand” and add your subscription link.

Check for Your Subscription Broken Link

All links get broken and unlink themselves this thereby causing you to loose new subscribers or your updates may end up not reaching your subscribers, so its your duty to check on your RSS feed link and your reach stats to pretty sure is working good, click on your link once in a while and enter a dummy email to make sure your subscription link is working good.

Use feed Directories

Some people say they used feed directories to get hold of new subscribers, you too might want to haunt for new subscribers using feed directories, oh no! are you picturing to get thousands of new subscribers with this method?
Stop kidding me! ;)
I can only assure you that using feed directories will plus and increase your subscribers, here is few feed directories you can start with you can do more research on your end.,,

Create Category Feeds

If you don’t have many categories, this might be skipped but to those who post on different categories you wouldn’t risk your readers who read a nice computer tips on your site and subscribe to your update just to receive some nice computer tips to be receiving  blogging tips post which he doesn’t have any interest in, to prevent this you can individually offer an RSS feed for each of your categories, this will enable each subscriber to get specific topics and not your whole content, WordPress users can easily do this but if you’re on blogger you might want to go extra miles to check which subscribers have the same common interest.

It pretty work if you turn it into daily habit, but sometimes when comment luv not enabled and you have the opportunity to leave your site url, why not using your RSS feed link? Or perhaps when you write guest post for another blog you may add your subscription link to your profile bio, if you’re allowed.
What do you think?
I believe there are many tips one can easily implement to Increase Subscribers, however I just managed to mention just little few out of them which am pretty sure it will work good.
Which one do you like the most? What methods are you using to increase subscribers? I will also like you to suggest your ideas that’s working for you using the comment box below.

Tips for New Student Bloggers

1. The first and most important tip is to have a go. Sometimes people are held back because of a fear others mightn’t like what they post or people might think them dumb. It’s true, there are some people out there who only want to criticise others but you will find the majority of people are supportive. For younger users, there is always comment moderation. A trusted adult checks on comments before they are allowed on the blog. When I first started this blog I had no idea it would be visited so many times.

Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.
2. The second is to make posts. There is no use setting up a blog if you don’t intend making regular posts. While people may enjoy what you write, they will stop visiting your blog if nothing new appears.
Adding  graphics, sounds and video clips can add to your posts but the work should be your own. If using something another has made, make sure you have permission and give them credit. On this blog, many photos and graphics have “Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.” under them. If you are using them for school work, I have given you permission to use them.
Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.
3. The third is to visit other blogs. It’s not only polite to visit a blog of someone who regularly visits your blog, it’s also an opportunity to add comments to another person’s blog. When you do this and possibly add a link to your blog in the comment, the other person is more likely to visit and comment on your blog.
Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.
4. The fourth is to be positive in comments. I like to look for the good things in a person’s post and highlight these in my comments. I also might make suggestions on how a student’s post might be improved. I never say their post is bad. They have taken the time to share their ideas and I appreciate what they do and know they’re doing their best.
Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.
5. The fifth would be to try to reply to anyone who leaves a comment on your blog. I try to write a reply on my blog to any comments left. This can sometimes take up a reasonable part of my day. Any comment left on my blog normally gets a reply thanking them for commenting. I always add a little extra in my reply to acknowledge what they have written.
Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.
6. The sixth tip is one I don’t always use due to lack of time. In your comments, it’s okay to ask questions of the person who wrote the blog if you want to carry on a discussion with them. Questions invite the person to answer you.  :)
Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.

7 Ways to Make Money From Blogging

7 Ways to Make Money Blogging ::
Since I’ve started blogging, I have had more than a few people ask me how they too can make money from blogging.
It’s easy to look at people who have risen to fame and prominence by building a high-profile, money-making blog and think “Hey, I can do that, too.”
You might not become the next Perez Hilton or Dooce, but if you play your cards right, you can start to pull in an income from your blog.
Whether the income is enough to allow you to quit a full-time job depends on a number of different factors. No matter how much you end up making, creating a blog that you find exciting is one of the fun ways to make money online.
There are a few different ways you can make money from blogging. I recommend using a combination of income-generating methods.
Some techniques might work for one type of blog, but not another, so it’s a good idea to try several to see what generates the most revenue for you.


When it comes to putting advertisements on your blog to generate income, Google’s AdSense is often the top pick for bloggers. It’s simple to use and doesn’t require you to have a great amount of technical know-how.
To put an AdSense ad on your blog, you pretty much just have to copy and paste the code.
It’s also one of the biggest advertising networks available, so you’ll have a wide range of advertisers to work with. That also means that you can make money from it even if your blog falls into a pretty obscure niche.

Amazon Associates

The Amazon Associates program allows you to earn a portion of sales when people click-through from your blog to and make a purchase.
You only earn money when people buy something from the web giant and the amount you earn varies based on what people order and how many people purchase through your links.
The Associates program works best for people whose blog focuses on products and shopping in someway. You’ll earn more money if people are in a shopping mood when they visit your site.

Other Affiliate Programs

While Amazon’s affiliate marketing program might be one of the biggest out there, it’s definitely not the only one available.
Depending the topic of your blog and the amount of traffic you get, you can participate in any number of other marketing programs. Some marketing programs only want blogs that have a high traffic volume, so you might have to wait and build your audience before signing up.
As your blog grows, fun ways to make money online can include reaching out to small companies whose products you trust and use to see if they would like to set up an affiliate marketing program with you.
You would post a link to their product on your blog and if someone clicks through your blog to their site and orders it, you would get a portion of the sale.

Private Sponsorships

As your blog becomes more established, you can start to find ways to make more money through private ad sales and sponsorships.
Unlike AdSense ads, private ads don’t just come to you. You’ll have to go out and find them, much like the advertising staff of a magazine approaches companies about placing ads in their pages.
To sell private ads, you’ll need to convince the company that your blog has a sufficient amount of traffic. You’ll also need to show the company that your blog’s topic is a good fit for whatever service or product they offer.


When you blog, you provide people with information for free. One way to expand on the information you give people and make money doing it is to write an e-book and sell it on your blog.
Ideally, your e-book will connect with the content on your blog and expand on it in some way. People won’t want to pay money for content you’ve previously given away.
For example, if you have a cooking blog, your e-book could be a short cookbook featuring previously unpublished recipes.
The recipes could have been tested by a group of people before publishing and not available anywhere else.

Personal Appearances and Speaking Fees

If your blog really becomes popular, you might be able to expand your income opportunities beyond the web and into the real world.
Some bloggers get paid to appear at conferences or to give readings to the public.
You might not get paid to give a speech at first, but as your blog becomes more well-known and respected, organizations might offer you some money to say a few words.

Offer Exclusivity

Once your blog has an established readership, you can expand your income-generating opportunities further by offering memberships to your website.
People can pay a yearly or monthly amount to gain access to exclusive content on your blog, to participate in forums, or to receive a monthly newsletter from you.
Starting a members-only portion of your blog lets your readers feel special while it makes you some extra money.
The most important thing to remember when starting your blog is that you won’t become a millionaire overnight. Many bloggers are excited to bring in just a few dollars a month.
It takes a considerable amount of focus and dedication to your blog to turn into a project that generates a significant amount of income.

Monday, August 19, 2013

11 YouTube Tips From YouTube Experts

  1. Know what your format is, and maintain a regular schedule. Fine pointed out that with a few exceptions, pretty much everyone on YouTube who’s succeeding has developed basic concepts for shows that they post consistently — thus creating a brand for themselves and enabling audience growth.
  2. Don’t create a YouTube account for your show; create one for your overall brand. Both Fine and Schnell emphasized the value of having a central channel that hosts multiple shows, as opposed to individual channels for individual shows. The reason? If your shows are hosted on individual channels, it’ll be harder to drive traffic between them — meaning that if one show is a big success, the other shows won’t benefit as much.
  3. If you have a separate website for your show, consider hosting options aside from YouTube. Strompolos mentioned that while a YouTube presence is essential, or Ooyala might have better monetization for creators who don’t mind using multiple platforms. However, sticking with one platform does keep all the views in one place, if that’s important to you.
  4. Censorship can drive traffic. Reckless Tortuga, Schnell said, posts edited versions of their videos on YouTube with a notice that unedited versions are available on the official RT site.
  5. Being super-active could help with your placement in search results. According to Fine, the Google algorithm favors those who post more. UPDATE: Via email, Fine corrected this: “Posting more often does not help the algorithm. The algorithm is based on who gets a combination of the most Views, Likes, Favorites, Comments, Video Responses, and views outside of Youtube to a smaller degree. YouTube does not disclose how much power each of these have in terms of helping content creators climb the YouTube lists more than others. The more you get of each of these, the better the chances of getting higher on the lists.”
  6. Music videos are great promotional devices. This was something all the panelists, especially Relles, agreed about. Not only are music videos proven crowd-pleasers, but if you create a parody of a pop song, you’ll also see a boost in traffic thanks to search results. And if people like what they see, that traffic may lead them to check out the rest of your content.
  1. Facebook and Twitter are essential. Strompolos emphasized building a Facebook presence as a way to “double-down” on your online popularity. Fine said Facebook and Twitter are where the Fine Brothers interact with their hardcore fans, and get feedback on their content.
  2. Reach out to communities that are relevant to your videos. As an example of this, Schnell described how one Reckless Tortuga video, a mock PSA on racism, did well because they posted it on a forum for black women. “Put your content where people are watching that kind of content,” he said.
  3. Use your words, not on-screen text. According to Strompolos, actually telling people in a video to check out a new account or show is more effective than YouTube annotations.
  4. Get specific with your tags, especially if you’re new. As popular as the search “funny” is on YouTube, Fine said that new videos are likely to get buried in the search results.
  5. Pilot your content. Schnell said that for Reckless Tortuga, they’ll create “mini-pilots” to test new concepts — and what doesn’t perform for them, they cancel.
These tips may not work for everyone, of course — there’s no magic bullet for web content. But making the best content you can and being smart about your distribution never hurt anyone.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to get more views on YouTube in 9 simple, quick and FREE steps

The difference between just uploading a video on YouTube, and uploading a video on YouTube that gets LOTS OF VIEWS, can actually be pretty small. What’s surprising is that most people don’t know how to jump the thin line into the “lots of views” boat. What’s even MORE surprising is that jumping the line doesn’t always rely on great video content! In fact I’ve seen a million amazing videos attracting barely any views. Considering YouTube gets 24 HOURS of new uploads every MINUTE!, maybe the fact that some get noticed and some don’t isn’t that mystifying after all.
Believe it or not, the fastest way to increase your view count is to Buy YouTube Views. Almost every major musician is doing this to kick start their videos. Learn more HERE.

This first post in a series of tutorials, tips and strategies, will give you 9 steps to help you get more views, and get you off the ground.

1) Name your video file with relevant keywords before you upload to YouTube. For example: if it is your latest cover of "Rihanna - Diamonds" then the obvious name for the video file is

2) Title your movie with catchy keywords AND BE SURE TO DO YOUR RESEARCH. Similarly you need to create a title that contains your keywords but at the same time is enticing to click. You may even want to go to YouTube and see what is already there when you type "Rihanna Diamonds". When I did that, the number one video that came up was obviously the original from Rihanna which has over 270,000,000 views titled simply "Rihanna - Diamonds". One technique is to title your video with a similar title to another popular video. E.g you could use something like "Rihanna - Diamonds (Cover) by Asher Fergusson". This will give you a good chance of ranking in the "related videos" section of YouTube and therefore bring a ton of extra views. Here is the free tool from YouTube that enables you find the most popular keywords.

3) Fill out the video description with at least 2 - 3 paragraphs of text. This is an important step that most people overlook. YouTube wants to know what your video is about and the video description section is the best way to validate this. So I recommend you either write a 2 minute transcript of the video or at the very least 2 paragraphs explaining its contents. It should include all your main key words in a natural way. For a music video you can put the lyrics to the song or at least some of them.

4) Put all the keywords from the title and description in the "tags" section. The next step is to fill out the YouTube tags section with all the main key words and phrases that relate to your video. This is a super important part of YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and really helps your video show up in different search results. For example you could use; Rihanna, Rhianna, Rianna, Cover, video, Diamonds, unapologetic, Asher Fergusson. These tags are based on both the example video’s keywords and the keywords of other popular YouTube videos.
get more youtube views
Network your video
5) Share your video with all your friends - quickly! YouTube loves new videos and gives them an extra chance to rank well in the first week or so after being uploaded. So to take advantage of this, you'll need to be a ninja and share the video in every way you know. Get Facebook likes, learn how to get more followers on Twitter and then send it to everyone there. Email it, and tell your friends to do the same if they like the video. If you have a Facebook fanpage then this is perfect content for that page and depending on the fan base can quickly get you a lot of views.

6) Make a video response to an already popular video on YouTube. Using the above example video, the perfect video response choice is Rihanna - Diamonds. This means that your video will appear below this video that has already had over 270 million views. If your title and thumbnail are enticing enough then there is a chance you'll get 1000's of referring views.

7) Encourage sharing, allow comments, video responses and embedding of your video. Everyone likes to be heard and if you allow for comments then you will give people that chance. The other thing about comments is that it creates a community around the video and if a conversation is taking place then people will keep coming back. Allowing video responses to your video means a lot of extra people could link to your video via theirs, resulting in many more views. Similarly, if you allow anyone to embed your video on their website, it is like free advertising and the video could easily end up all over the internet. This is often how the most views are achieved with a video.

8 ) Embed your new video prominently on your website to create 2 way traffic. This serves to give your video a link but also additional views that don't require someone to see it on YouTube. All you need to do is to go to your video on YouTube, click the "< Embed >" button and copy the code. Then go to your website and paste the code in the html wherever you want the video to appear on your site.

9) Have your fellow bloggers reference or embed the video on their site as well. If you have friends who also have websites, ask if they can embed the video for you. Having them write an article is also very good and will increase your views tremendously depending on the traffic they already receive to their site.

10) Buy YouTube Views. Lastly, one little known fact is that with most music videos the record label usually buys somewhere between 1 and 3 million views and 1000's of likes upon the launch of the video. This is to quickly increase the credibility and help the video go viral. Here at Galaxy Ninja we offer this service and regular work on major music videos as well as business and personal videos. Learn more about it HERE.
So there you have it - How to get more views on YouTube in 9 simple, quick and free steps.
The main ingredient in building the knowledge of how to optimize your video for YouTube is achieved with practice. Like most things, the more you practice, the more skilled you will become. As a result, the more traffic you generate, will in turn create more business opportunities. By utilising this social networking site you'll figure out all kinds of little known tricks and be expertly guided through many tips and techniques that will help raise you above your competition. Good luck and enjoy hours of fun while you learn to be a Pro YouTube Ninja!
Let us know how you go with these tips in the comments section below. If you do all these things you may be surprised how many views you suddenly get!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preparing for a Job Interview

Being prepared for a job interview will help you manage the stress of answering questions and will help you make a positive impression on the interviewer. Here are some tips on how you can prepare ahead of time for the big day.

Dress Professionally for the Interview

When you're looking for a job, it's important to always have one good suit to wear. That way you don't have to scramble, even if you get a last minute call for an interview.Try everything on ahead of time so you don't have any last minute fashion disasters.Pay attention to detail - your hair, nails, shoes, should all look polished and professional.Research the company (and the job) ahead of time.

Research the Company Before the Job Interview

Use sites like Glassdoor, Vault, and Google (Google the company name) to find information about the company, its management, and the jobs the company typically hires for.

If you're a member of professional networking sites, use your connections to get inside information that will help show the interviewer that you are knowledgeable about the company, its mission, and it employees.

Prepare for the Interview

Plan your interview, request time off from work if you're employed, plan the logistics of getting to the interview with plenty of time to spare. Print out extra copies of your resumes and a list of references.

Practice Interviewing

Practice interviewing by having a friend or family member run through typical questions with you. And also come up with questions of your own, because you will be asked if you have any at the end of the interview. Having one will show you've done your homework and are truly interested in the job.

Stay calm and know that you're ready to do your best. You've spent time practicing and preparing, so you’ll be ready to interview effectively. Thanks for watching. To learn more visit us on the Web at

How to Write a Cover Letter-Cover Letter Writing Tips and Advice

Writing a cover letter often seems like a particularly daunting task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing cover letters to send with your resume.
A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job interview and having your resume ignored, so it makes good sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters.

How to Write a Cover Letter

A cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Its purpose is to interpret the data-oriented, factual resume and add a personal touch. A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer, creating a critical first impression.
There are three general types of cover letters:
  • The application letter which responds to a known job opening (review samples)
  • The prospecting letter which inquires about possible positions (review samples)
  • The networking letter which requests information and assistance in your job search (review samples)
Your cover letter should be designed specifically for each purpose outlined above as well as for each position you seek. Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer (you know what you do with junk mail!).
Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences (remember, relevance is determined by the employer's self-interest). They should express a high level of interest and knowledge about the position.

Cover Letter Format
This cover letter format lists the information you need to include in the cover letter you submit with your resume.
More Types of Cover Letters
There are other types of cover letters you may need to use, depending on the jobs for which you are applying. Here are examples of referral letters, prospecting letters, letters asking for job search help and more.
Cover Letter Examples
Here are cover letters examples, both written and email, that are designed for a variety of different types of job applications and employment inquiries.
More About How to Write a Cover Letter
How to write a cover letter, including what to include in your cover letter, how to write a cover letter, cover letter format, targeted cover letters, and cover letter samples and examples.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More? 4 Ways

Getting traffic to your blogs is not a rocket science. When you done few things right you can bring lots of organic traffic to your sites within less time (having targeted keywords in mind, proper SEO blog structure, internal linking etc.)
But it’s hard to sustain your blog readership for a long time, agree?
If you want to keep your audience coming back for more, here are few things to do.

Capture email addresses by giving more

One of the best ways to bring people again and again to your blogs is by capturing their emails. Whenever you publish a new article on your blog, you can use newsletters to send them to your subscribers to keep them coming back for more.
Having a great email list will not only increase website traffic, it also improves your product sales. But you must provide value to your email subscribers often to make money from your email marketing campaign.
Here are few simple ways to build your email list faster.
  • Give away something for FREE (plugin, theme or eBook etc)
  • Always write great contents
  • Use social media sites to bring more people to subscribe
  • Use landing pages

Be active on social media

Social media has become a vital place for most bloggers to spread their ideas and brand.
Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc will not only bring more online visibility for your blogs, but they will also have the tendency to make your blog go viral.
If you have more followers and fans on social media sites, you can bring drastic changes on your blogging journey. It’s very important for anyone who is blogging for a while to improve their social media interaction to boost their online presence.
If you are always posting useful stuff on your social media profiles, you will definitely be creating curiosity on your fans to read your links whenever you post something on your profiles. So always spend time on social media sites to share others stuff and to boost your online brand to keep your audience coming back for more stuff.

Create series posts

Series posts are attention pullers, most online readers visit your blogs again and again when you have right combination of series posts.
You can start writing series posts on any topic that your readers might be interested in. Few examples are, if you are running a bike advice blog, you could come up with “bike cleaning tips”, “bike maintenance service tips for busy people” etc. This way you will be able to grab the people’s attention who is interested in reading your stuff.
Moreover you can grab their email address by asking them to subscribe at the end of your each post. If they find your series posts interesting, they will certainly do whatever you ask them to do.
Pro tip: Don’t write too many posts in your series posts, limit your posts to 5 to 7 articles and you can complete them by posting everyday on your blogs, thus finishing your series within a week.

Interviews will NEVER get old.

Interviewing someone in your niche is often a great way to get more traffic and attention from other bloggers.
You can see a huge traffic spike in your stats if you interview someone who is influential in your niche. It’s not always possible for a new blogger to conduct interviews of top bloggers, but you can always try interviewing the rising blogging stars in your niche. This way you can bring more online visibility in the early stages of your blog.
If you create a separate page called “Interview section” in your blog and conduct frequent interviews (monthly twice or so), you can bring more audience to your blog again and again. You will also have a tendency to get more likes, shares, tweets and comments on your blogs if they go viral.
Always ask great questions that will provoke your readers mind and build strong relationships with other bloggers by promoting their stuff. This is a win/win approach and you can see great results in no time.
Extra tip: Have an appealing blog design, your blog should be designed to get the reader to do something. It could be anything from getting a blog comment to buying your affiliate products. Invest money to buy a premium theme or hire a professional to get a unique design for your blog, after all, first impression is the best impression in blogging.
You can use Theme Junkie or Elegant Themes. They’re best and affordable. You can also check out our deal page too.
What next? Share your valuable views with us in the Comment section below.

7 Interesting Benefits of Blogging Except Money

Blogging is becoming more and more popular day by day and more and more people are trying to get in this business.
Awareness about online money making and blogging is increasing, but still there are many misconceptions about blogging.
One of those misconceptions is the belief that all you can get from blogging is some extra cash and that’s it, but that’s not true.
Benefits of Blogging is still packed with heavy number even if we put the money making fact on a side.
Blogging is a lot more than just making some money and truth be told that those who are blogging for money only are never ever going to succeed.
Yes, You heard it right. If you are blogging just for money you’ll be fail sooner than later!
You can get all the other Benefits of Blogging; you can get one of them or get nothing. It all depends upon one person and that person is you.
7 Interesting Benefits of Blogging Except Money
7 Interesting Benefits of Blogging Except Money
1. Blogging Improves Your Writing:
The first Benefits of Blogging is Writing.
Writing has a lot of to do with success of a person in this world and blogging just makes you an amazing writer.
You not only learn how to explain something, but you also find out how to keep your words interesting, entertaining and informative at the same time.
2. You Find Your Voice:
We keep trying to find the best for ourselves like the best job, best friend, best car and best wife, but most of us never try to find the best in ourselves.
Blogging makes you realize the voice that you have and that you are not worthless.
3. You Learn To Express Yourself:
Many people struggle in life not because they don’t have passion or desire to work hard, but because they fail to tell others about it because they don’t know how to express themselves.
Blogging teaches you how to talk in a way that impresses the people.
4. It Makes You Famous:
Don’t you want to get interviewed by some other blog owners?
Don’t you want to become famous?
Blogging can make you.
As the time passes, more and more people hear your name and you begin to become popular slowly and slowly while not realizing what you are getting.
And, when you realize that, you” have say thanks to blogging. ;)
5. Blogging Saves You From Wasting Your Time:
Do you waste more time on social network?
Might be..
You know
It is so easy to get distracted online and waste countless hours doing nothing. This has lead to destruction of lives for many people.
But blogging saves you from becoming addicted to anything useless online and keeps you busy in doing what is better doing and that is blogging.
6. You Invest Into Your Future:
It doesn’t matter your blog is making money at this time or not while you are working at it, you are investing in your future.
This is because one day your blog will return the favor.
7. Blogging Boosts Your Confidence:
I like this Benefits of Blogging most.
Confidence is really an essential piece of any human being and we need confidence in almost all fields of life.
We need confidence for dealing with people, for telling everyone what we want and to succeed as well.
Hence, if you have lack of confidence, blogging will make you confident like you have never imagined and destroys all the roadblocks in your life that were standing just because you didn’t possess enough confidence.
So these where some Benefits of Blogging except money.
Money is not everything but without it you can’t have anything.
Do you blog just for money? Did I missed any other Benefits of Blogging?
Do let me know in commets

Making Money From Niche Sites – Is It Still Possible?

Making money has always been the number one priority for anyone who starts blogging. It was mine too when I started out but that’s a different story altogether.
There are hundreds of ways with which you can make money online but the best one, according to me, is making niche sites. Making money from niche sites is the most popular way but does it still work?

Making Money From Niche Sites - Is It Still Possible?

Making Money From Niche Sites – Does It Still Work Like Before?

As I said, I would consider niche sites as the best way to make money online but you should know that the scenario today is completely different than what it was 2-3 years back.
Back then, you could find a keyword, get a exact-match domain, build a site, create some spammy backlinks and get #1 in Google. This is not the case today as you won’t reach anywhere with such tactics. You can get to the first page but that won’t be long before you are penalized and thrown out of search results.
With the constant algorithmic updates, Google has made sure that no site with crappy content stays on top of the SERPs. The focus is shifted to quality over quantity. You can still rank your niche site but not with the way I mentioned above.
Now that Google is becoming more and more strict in terms of ranking a site, what things you should take care of when you are working on a niche site?

How Can You Make Money With Niche Websites?

Before starting with the article, you must know about different types of niche sites. The most popular is the Adsense niche sites. People build sites on a particular keyword, keep on adding content and make a passive income from Google Adsense.
The other types are affiliate niche sites. Basically you promote products from the site and earn commission when a purchase is made. You can go with Amazon, Clickbank or ClickSure to choose a product and promote it. I normally prefer Clickbank over Amazon or any other network as the commission rate is quite high there.
The biggest question here would be how to find a niche?
You don’t have too.
This is one of the benefits of building niche sites that promote Clickbank products. Such sites are nowadays called Sniper Sites, a term used and made famous by George Brown of Google Sniper.
The only thing that requires some work is finding a profitable and converting product. Once you have zeroed in on a product, be it in any niche, you more than half work is over and now the other thing remaining would be just getting your site ranked.
Back to the product. Once you have found a profitable product, you now need to get some keywords for it.
Try to concentrate on getting keywords with around 1000-2000 avg. search per month.
If you are not able to find such keywords than you should think of finding a new product as you won’t be able to rank your niche site easily.
Getting the domain: Once you have some keywords, get a good domain name. Avoid an exact-match domain as you might get penalized with the EMD update. You can have your keyword in the domain but don’t go with EMD.
Signup with Web Host: Now go with the best hosting provider like HostGator or Bluehost and install a site on it. (Read the comparison)
Theme and Content Get a proper theme, I recommend Theme Junkie or Elegant Themes and add some content on it. Don’t just add all the articles at once. Update the site once a week or twice. You can have a minimum of 10 articles to get your site ranked and stay at the top for a longer duration. If you feel that the site is performing well, you can add articles at regular intervals to keep it up.
Backlinks: Now that your site is up and running, you will need to get it on the front page of search results to get targeted traffic. For this you have to do link building process. Don’t just get some cheap service that builds spammy links as they no longer will help. I suggest you to do this manually as you will know the exact location from where the backlink is coming. I would suggest you to go with Pat Flynn’s backlinking strategy as it is the most effective one.
Once you are done, you will start seeing results within 3-4 weeks and you will see sales coming in and thus more and more commissions. So do you still think that making money from niche sites is tough? No it’s not. Just the way it used to work has changed. So go now and start to make money with niche websites.

Why I Prefer Affiliate Niche sites over Adsense Based Niche Sites?

Here are certain points that will let you know why I go with sites promoting products rather than Adsense based sites.
  • There is no risk of getting banned, unlike in Google Adsense.
  • You can have multiple account with Clickbank and other affiliate networks.
  • No worries of invalid clicks.
  • No need of updating the site more often.
  • You can change the product to other more converting one.
  • You Can easily flip the site. (You will make more money by flipping if the site is making money with Google Adsense).

Places Where You Can Learn How To Build Niche Sites:

Pat Flynn’s Niche Site Duel : This is one of the best case studies that you will ever need. Pat Flynn has made each and every point clear and mentioned every step that he took in building a niche site that is now making a passive 4-figure sum every month. He keeps on updating the series, so you will get the best to make money with niche websites. : This complete site is based on building niche sites. Spencer Haws is an expert when it comes to making money with niche sites. You will get some gems from the site that will help you greatly.
Create a Blog Case Study : Zac Johnson is one of the biggest blogger. If you don’t know him then you can’t consider yourself a blogger. He is currently working on a public niche site and gives every possible information. He guides you in building profitable niche sites with this study.
That was all I had to say. If you have any query or any thing that you are stuck at, just let me know via the comments below. I am no expert nor am I making tens of thousands by this method, but I have read many case-studies and many blogs, so I do have more knowledge on what things work and what not.
Don’t think that you will get immediate results, you can get but not always. My first niche site failed because I had done certain things wrong and I don’t want you to do the same things. So don’t keep very high expectations.
Recently Tung also built a niche website which is Ranked #1 in Google and Made $93.32 in 38 days. Read his story
So if you are not making money from niche sites, just drop a comment below and I will try to give you the best possible solution.
Happy Blogging and Happy making money!

Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?

Do you know your Adsense Account is in danger, yeah this is not an April fool prank or anything like a joke, this is as true as you are breathing from some past days many bloggers experiencing heavy invalid activity in their Adsense account.
You may have also experienced that number of clicks are much more than as comparison of the Estimated Earnings, especially from some countries like United states clicks are coming fluently but no money, CPC from such countries lies somewhere between $0.01 – $0.04 which is too less and this Cost per Click clearly saying that these clicks you are getting on your Ads are not Genuine for sure.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
Many Bloggers and Webmasters have lost their Adsense Ads in some past days because of this invalid activity or some other reasons.
Zac Johnson lost his 10 years old adsense acccount. Read his story
Just few days ago,  Theodore had been slapped by adsense. Read his story
and also because of their unawareness, so this is highly recommended that you won’t make such mistakes and keep your Adsense Account safe and secure.

How to know the Country from where invalid clicks are coming from ?

Many of you may already know about this but some don’t, so let me explain how to know from which country your Adsense Ads are getting unusually clicked, to find this out just follow these steps…
1.    Log in to your Adsense Account.
2.    Click on Overview this month.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
3.    Select the Today date from the upper right corner.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
4.    Now click on Countries from Left sidebar.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
5.    Now carefully checkout the no. of clicks in front of each Country name.
Why and How To Protect Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
If you detect any country from where clicks have been done but CPC from there are very low then it simply means that your Adsense Ads are in danger.

How to Protect Your Adsense Account?

See if you are getting unusual clicks on your Ads, then first of all you try to detect the IP(s) of clicker and if you successfully detect those IP’s then just block them to showing Ads so that they won’t see your Ads and this way they cannot click on your Ads.
If you’re unable to fetch the IP address from where clicks are being performed then you most recommended way to keep your Adsense account safe is that, you must stop showing ads on your site for at least sometime, because if you stop publishing ads on your sites for some time/days it may cause loss of some Dollars to you but if you cannot prevent it then you may loss your Adsense for forever, which sounds so bitter to any blogger.
Read: 5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense
It has been also seen sometimes that CPC are good and clicks are coming in bulks (more than expectations), but those were also invalid clicks.
To understand this better, suppose one person click on your Ad, Google gave you $2.0 for that one click which means click : 1 and CPC : $2.0 then 9 clicks are also done by an other person which are invalid clicks and Google haven’t gave you anything for those clicks, now your stats will show click : 10 and CPC : $0.20 which also looks good and generally we think it’s Ok if CPC is good but as you in example it’s not always okay.
So if you ever feel unusual increase in no. of clicks on your Ads you must report to Google regarding this to keep your side strong.

Click Bombing/ Invalid Clicks FAQ’s

  • I lost my Adsense Account due to invalid activity on my account, what to do ?
When Google takes adsense away then they always mentions the reason behind it, so you need to ensure that it will not happen again in future and after that you can fill Appeal form provided by the Google to claim your Adsense account back, but don’t go for appeal form in hurry first of all you must take care of point they mentioned in their mail.
  • I filled Appeal form, will I get Adsense back ?
Well nobody can say Yes for this question, it’s all depend on Google, if they realize that you have done good business with them in previous time then there are some hope you will get your Adsense back, but not sure for anyone.
  • I filled Appeal form but no reply, what to do ?
You cannot do anything for this, all we can do is that we can fill Appeal form then Google will reply you back after taking their time, sometimes they takes 2-3 days for reply back.
  • When I applied for Adsense back by `Appeal form` they rejected again, now what.
This is sad but ! even after they refused to give your adsense back to you, if you work on your blog continously for some months and you write valuable and original content then there are chances to have Adsense again on your blog, one of my friend have experienced it.
  • Even after many try Google isn’t giving me Adsense back, now what to do ?
In this annoying situation you have some other ways to get income from your blog for that you can check this `Ways to Make Money without Adsense`.
If you don’t wanna go for it then you can think of another idea which is, you make another blog then apply for Adsense for that new blog and when you get Adsense for it you can use that Adsense account Ads on your both blogs the new one and old too.
If you think this article is even a bit useful it is requested to must share the info, Take care of your Adsense Account and also help others to do so.

8 Reasons Why I Hate Google Adsense

No doubt, Google adsense is one of the best way to make money from website. But I am not using it anymore.

I often get asked Ammar, Why you don’t use google adsense?
There are many reasons and here is my answer to this question. In this post I explain Why I hate Google Adsense and why google adsense sucks!

8 Reasons Why I Hate Google Adsense

8 Reasons Why I hate Google Adsense?

You may think I have personal reasons for writing this post.
No, this is not like that.
I don’t want any new bloggers, my web friends and new web-masters to quit blogging just because google adsense is not approving their blog. There are far better ways to make money without adsense.
Let me know in comments if you want me to write another post on making money without adsense.

1. AdSense Make Readers Leave The Site

The first thing I hate about google adsense is it make the readers leave the site.
When someone click on ad, they leave your site. Because adsense links doesn’t open in new tab. Majorty of Adsense ads are CPC based. In order to make money readers have to leave your blog.
So, would you like to lose readers just for few cent?
The visitor that leave your website can be;
  • A lost subscriber
  • A lost sale
  • and so on..

2. Getting approved is so hard!

I’ve been asked so many times by other bloggers, why google adsense is not approving their sites.
Google is getting strict day by day. They don’t approve any blog easily even if its six month or one year old. If you make site perfect to apply for adsense. There are less chances they’ll approve the site.

3. Too many rules to follow, Huh?

Just Try reading their terms and Conditions you’ll know what I mean.
They have too many rules to follow. Even if you follow them, they’ll ban your adsense account. Once you get ban, you’ll never get adsense back!

4. Email Support Just Sucks!

Google adsense have email support. But you’ve to wait for too many days to get reply from them.
You might need another support to get their reply. ;)

5. Once you get banned, you can never get back in.

If you try getting approve for adsense for a new blog. They won’t approve your application. Even if you follow all the google adsense rules and TOS. There are chances that adsense will ban your website.
Once you get banned just forget adsense. They won’t let you to get back in the program again.

6. Low Cost Per Click (CPC)

If you are not from US or Western Europe – forget about big earnings.
For rich European countries price per click is relatively good. It could be $1 2$ or even more than this. It depends on keywords.
So, If you are getting daily 100-1000 daily you won’t earn much money.
That means, if your sites get small portion of such traffic – you will receive $0.01 – $0.05 for clicks.
Might be around 1$-10$ a month. Adsense pays very less per click.
If you have high traffic, many big advertisers will contact you to pay much better than adsense.

7. Little Editorial Control

Do you know Google has over 100,000 advertisers or might be more than this.
You have no control which one can advertise on your blog or not. Isn’t that sucks?

If you want full control over ads you can use OIOPublisher for WordPress. This is the best plugin to manage all ad spot, advertisers, payments and stats.

8. Big delay in payment

First in order to receive money from adsense you have to verify your home address. Adsense sends pin that might take 2 or 3 months depend on where you live.
Adsense minimum payout is 100$, once you reach this minimum amount. You have to wait for many weeks or a month to receive checks.
Your thoughts please
So above were few reasons why I hate google adsense [You Should too!]
My blog niche is blogging, most of readers are bloggers and webmasters. They don’t click on adsense and other reasons for not using adsense are given above. That’s why I am not using google adsense anymore on this blog.
I haven’t listed other reasons why AdSense sucks and it is not really the best way to make money from blogging, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Leave me a comment below as always. I’d be glad to hear from you.
Recommended Reading:
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5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense

Are you currently using Google Adsense on your blog, or even thinking about it?
Then stop here now! ;)

You’ve to ask Five Question to yourself Before Using Google Adsense.

This blog post just might open your eyes to what you might be doing to your blog and audience for just a few dollars. There was a previous post on this blog titled “12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense“, which walks you through the process of what you need to make sure you blog looks like and has before applying to Google Adsense. We are going to take that same approach, but with a few different questions to ask yourself if you really want to sacrifice your blog and traffic to the almighty Google Adsense!

How much is your site traffic worth?

Before using any advertising solution, you need to know what your traffic is and how much they are worth. Entertainment sites and blogs have a low value per user, as they are pretty much there just to view pictures and get news. Product reviews and coupon sites have a high value per user, as they are already in buyer mode. Knowing your average visitor value is a very important thing to know!
Read : How To Get Traffic To A New Blog ?

Are you playing by Google’s rules at all times?

Lately Google has been on a tear and throwing many sites out of their Google Adsense program. No matter their reason Google may banner your account, once you are tossed, you are gone for good and they will also keep all of the money remaining in your account as well. Do you really want to work with an ad network that can keep all your profits from this and the previous month? As a Google Adsense partner, you always need to play by their rules at all times.

Can you make more money going directly?

5 Question to Ask Before Using Google Adsense

Have you even thought about selling your own banner ad space? There is a good chance you can find a quality advertiser in your niche that will pay a much higher CPM premium over what Google Adsense will pay you. If you are running 125×125 banner ads on your site you can probably fill four to ten of these banner spots and make several times more than what Google Adsense could ever earn you.

Are you killing your profits by using Google Adsense?

One of the best ways to kill your profits is by throwing Google Adsense on your site. If you are selling products, trying to get people on your mailing list or get them to take any other action… Google Adsense will hurt you. Keep your focus on your end goal of either getting people on your list or getting them to take action. If you have a solid monetization plan for your site, Google Adsense probably shouldn’t be one of them.

Lastly… do you like giving away your traffic for a few pennies per visitor?

When did you last click on a Google Adsense banner?
I’m not sure if you remember. ;)
But whenever someone clicks on any Google Adsense banner, they leave the site they are currently on and get swooshed off to another site. Most of the time Google Adsense is only paying a few pennies per click. Are you losing your traffic for just a few pennies? If you are, it’s not a good business model at all!
Don’t get me wrong… :D
Google Adsense has made BILLIONS of dollars for Google and their publishers… but there is a reason why it’s so ridiculously easy and simple to setup. Google is making a ton of money by lazy site owners just placing a code on their site and not knowing better. There is nothing wrong with using Google Adsense, but there are much better and more profitable ways to make money!

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